Folklore Archive URAP
Folklore Archivist, Archivist
Folklore Program
Applications for Fall 2024 are closed for this project.
Students applying would ideally already be familiar with folklore genres (e.g. by having taken Anthropology 160, The Forms of Folklore, or an equivalent course) but we are also excited to welcome new students who are interested in learning more about the field. The basic work will entail filing, cataloging and scanning folkloreitems.
Students desiring units will be required to work at least three hours per week during the semester (amounting to a total of at least 30 hours for the entire semester). The work will be supervised by the designated Folklore Archivist.
URAPs will also have the opportunity to teach unfamiliar and visiting scholars how to use the archives, and to supervise incoming URAPs. Students will also have the opportunity to meet and engage with other graduate students in the department.
This semester, we will also be working to build the digital folklore archive, which will involve working with the folklore archivist to build a system that allows scanned folklore items to be searchable and retrievable. This system will likely be implemented using ElasticSearch (for searching texts of the digitized folklore items) and S3 (for storing and downloading PDFs of the items). Please indicate on your application if this aspect of the work would be interesting to you.
Role: Your Role as a URAP:
-Scanning folklore for digitization project
-Classifying incoming folklore items for the archive
-Ordering and filing folklore
-Helping fulfill scholar research requests
-Helping with Folklore Program related events and a chance to meet visiting folklorists
-Helping build the digital folklore archive
Qualifications: We seek enthusiastic, creative, self-motivated students that are interested in folklore and folk speech, and who enjoy working in a collaborative environment.
Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Lola Sounigo, Graduate Student
Hours: 3-5 hrs
Off-Campus Research Site: 110 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (formerly Kroeber Hall)
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