Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Within Organizations (Multiple projects)
Closed. This professor is continuing with Fall 2024 apprentices on this project; no new apprentices needed for Spring 2025.
This series of projects examines equity, diversity, and inclusion across various institutional domains (e.g., tech, education, etc.). Some areas of interest include understanding how diversity is perceived by both dominant and non-dominant groups and how this affects belonging, and how people interact with policies that may or may not be inclusive. Additionally, there are projects investigating equity language in job advertisements and on the use of gendered language in the writing of letters of recommendation. We are also currently examining the role of race, ethnicity, class, and political affiliation in how people think about COVID-related racial disparities.
Role: As part of a research team undergraduate research apprentices will play a supporting role to the primary investigators, familiarize themselves with relevant study materials, help with survey building and coding of qualitative data, and conduct in-depth literature reviews. Apprentices will attend project meetings and make regular progress reports to the lab manager. As part of the apprentices’ training and mentoring, they will be required to attend weekly lab meetings, but only if meetings do not conflict with scheduled classes.
Qualifications: As members of the Culture, Diversity and Intergroup Relations lab an interest in, and commitment to, understanding the psychological processes related to diversity and inclusion in order to address the challenges of working, living, and learning in diverse environments is essential.
Additionally, undergraduate research apprentices are expected to be organized and practice time management, be detail-oriented and reliable. Apprentices must also communicate with the lab manager regarding absences, tardiness, or inability to fulfill assignments in a timely fashion. Research apprentices are also expected to maintain respectful relationships with other members of their team and contribute to an inclusive and supportive lab culture.
Hours: to be negotiated
Off-Campus Research Site: Work will all be done remotely.
Related website: https://www.law.berkeley.edu/culture-diversity-intergroup-relations-lab/
Related website: https://www.law.berkeley.edu/our-faculty/faculty-profiles/victoria-plaut/