Evolution of phenotypic variation in island populations of the Aegean wall lizard
Ian Wang, Professor
Environmental Science, Policy and Management
Closed. This professor is continuing with Fall 2024 apprentices on this project; no new apprentices needed for Spring 2025.
Understanding how phenotypic variation is generated and maintained in natural populations is a fundamental goal in biology. We are studying the evolution of color and other phenotypic traits in Aegean wall lizards (Podarcis erhardii), an island-dwelling lizard native to the Greek Cycladic islands. Our goal is to understand how local ecological and environmental conditions influence variation in phenotypic evolution within species across their geographic distribution.
The Aegean wall lizard is a good study system for understanding the evolution of intraspecific trait variation because these lizards have been evolving in isolation on islands with distinct ecologies for thousands of years. Because we have a good approximation of the time islands were formed by rising sea-levels, and island populations of this lizard species experience negligible gene flow, we can compare phenotypic traits among distinct yet closely-related populations, test for correlations between traits and island characteristics, and use our knowledge of sea-level rise and the evolutionary relatedness of populations to estimate the pace at which these phenotypic changes occur.
The specific goals of this project are to: 1) estimate the evolutionary history and relatedness among many island populations of Aegean wall lizards, and 2) test for evolutionary correlations between lizard color, other phenotypic traits, and aspects of island ecology and the environment.
Role: We are recruiting 1-2 undergraduates to help with several aspects of this long-term project, including: (1) extracting DNA from preserved lizard tail tissue, (2) determining the quality (gels) and quantity (nanodrop and qubit) of genomic DNA, and (3) perform comparative analyses using various types of biological data in R. Students will have the opportunity to gain training in evolutionary biology research and will acquire highly transferable lab skills. Highly motivated students will be encouraged to use the data they help generate for an independent project or undergraduate thesis under our mentorship. An overall expected outcome is to develop research and analytical skills that are transferable to a variety of careers such as wildlife conservation, data science, or biotech.
Qualifications: Qualifications: We are interested in recruiting students who are in their sophomore or junior year, with the hope that they will remain involved in the project throughout the 2022-23 academic year and join our research team for three weeks of field work in the summer of 2023. Strong organizational skills and thorough documentation of tasks are required for this position. Some background in biology, ecology, and evolution is desirable. Previous coursework in organismal biology is encouraged. Experience in R is a plus but not required.
Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Kinsey Brock, Post-Doc
Hours: to be negotiated
Related website: https://www.kinseybrock.com/
Related website: https://www.kinseybrock.com/