PAIN Study: Exploring Providers’ Practices and Attitudes of Pain Management During IUD INsertion
Ndola Prata, Professor
Public Health
Closed. This professor is continuing with Fall 2024 apprentices on this project; no new apprentices needed for Spring 2025.
IUD’s are one of the most effective contraceptives to prevent unintended pregnancies. However, pain remains to be a significant barrier for access. Our qualitative study aims to investigate providers’ perceptions, beliefs, and practices to manage pain during IUD insertions.
Role: The role of the undergraduate researcher will be to 1) aid with reviewing accuracy of transcripts from semi-structured interviews 2) assist with developing the study's code book 3) assist with coding and analysis, most likely on the Dedoose platform.
Qualifications: Prior experience in qualitative research, transcripts, or coding would be appreciated.
Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Semira Sherief, Graduate Student
Hours: 3-5 hrs
Biological & Health Sciences Social Sciences