Preterm Birth, Term Low Birth Weight, Childhood Autism, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s Disease and Air Pollution – California Studies
Jason Su, Associate Researcher
Public Health
Closed. This professor is continuing with Spring 2024 apprentices on this project; no new apprentices needed for Fall 2024.
Develop daily air pollution surfaces of criteria pollutants (NO2, PM2.5 and O3) and air toxics ((benzene, 1,3-butadiene, chromium, lead, nickel and zinc) for years 1990-2019 across California through advanced machine learning D/S/A algorithm. Identify dose-response relationships between preterm birth (PTB)/low birth weight (LBW) and short-term and long-term air pollution exposures for individual air pollutants and simultaneous exposures to multiple air pollutants.
Role: The student will participate in scientific programming and health outcome analysis through R and Python languages, and draft papers for publication.
The student’s key learning outcomes will include increased proficiency in scientific computing with R and Python, improved understanding of the impact of environmental factors on adverse health outcomes and improved skills in drafting papers for scientific publication.
Qualifications: Required skills include strong writing skills, familiar with scientific computing in R and Python, and demonstrate an interest in studying the impacts of environment on health.
Hours: 9-11 hrs
Off-Campus Research Site: We would meet weekly for an hour over Zoom
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