Measurement of Molten Salt Thermophysical Properties
Raluca Scarlat, Professor
Nuclear Engineering
Closed. This professor is continuing with Fall 2024 apprentices on this project; no new apprentices needed for Spring 2025.
Actinide-containing fluoride and chloride molten salts are utilized as fuel salts in molten salt reactors (MSR’s) and have applications in pyrochemical-processing for fuel recovery. However, the thermophysical property data of these salts such as melting point, viscosity, and density and the effects on these properties of varying levels of actinide content are relatively unknown. This research project will measure novel data on the viscosity, density, and melting point of candidate salts for use in MSR’s, such as NaCl-UCl3 and NaCl-MgCl2. Additionally, to model the effects of plutonium produced by fission on the fuel salts’ thermophysical properties, the effects of cerium added as CeCl2 as a surrogate for plutonium will be measured as well as other modeled fission products.
Role: -Literature review of current and past studies on molten chloride salt density and viscosity.
-Sample preparation of radioactive chloride salts
-Data analysis of thermophysical property results
-Technical report
-Mid and final semester presentations of results
-Participation in group/projects/lab meetings schedule permitting to check in with the PI
Qualifications: Candidates should be proficient in Microsoft Office, basic data analysis and plotting. Candidates should have at least 1 undergraduate level laboratory class completed. Candidate experience with hands-on glovebox, technical writing, or wet laboratory chemistry is desirable but not required.
Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Nathanael Gardner, Ph.D. candidate
Hours: 9-11 hrs
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Engineering, Design & Technologies Mathematical and Physical Sciences