Supporting Bay Area Immigrant Families through Community-Engaged Research and Practice
Stephanie Canizales, Professor
Applications for Spring 2025 are closed for this project.
UC Berkeley is a premier migration research institution with a wealth of knowledge that can be powerfully leveraged by local organizations serving immigrant families in the region. The "Supporting Bay Area Immigrant Families" Project aims to survey immigration-related research produced by UC Berkeley scholars to create a publicly available Resource Library hosted by the Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative (BIMI).
The purpose of the BIMI Resource Library is to provide a central location for community organizers, advocates, and service providers working with immigrant families in the Bay Area to access cutting-edge migration resources that bolster their service delivery, fundraising, and capacity building.
Role: BIMI is a partnership of faculty, researchers, and students who investigate human mobility, immigrant integration, and how migration transforms societies worldwide.
The BIMI Undergraduate Resource Apprentice will be tasked with conducting a survey of research conducted by UC Berkeley scholars to curate a thematic "resource library." The BIMI URA will learn such skills as conducting literature reviews and annotated bibliographies and will have the opportunity to network with BIMI affiliates across campus.
The BIMI URA will be asked to meet with Dr. Canizales bi-weekly with other BIMI graduate and undergraduate student research team members.
Qualifications: Social science major desirable, with interest in migration-related research. Some research experience preferred, though not required.
Hours: 3-5 hrs
Related website: http://
Social Sciences