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Erica Bailey - Professor , Business, Haas School
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
The goal of this set of research projects is to understand how people experience the psychological phenomenon of authenticity. These research questions include - what personality traits are associated with seeming the most authentic? How does the use of rationales or explanations impact perceptions of authenticity? What role does self-awareness...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyPatricia Baquedano-Lopez - Professor, Education
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
Background: Mam is one of the Mayan languages whose ancestral community spans southern Mexico and western Guatemala. According to the Censo Nacional de Poblacion y VII de Vivienda (2018), there are 842, 252 Mam speakers living in Guatemala, with the largest communities in Huehuetenango, San Marcos, and Quetzaltenango. This project...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & Psychology Arts & HumanitiesJeff Belkora - Professor, UC San Francisco
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: Off Campus
STUDENT TESTIMONIALS “This apprenticeship has been the highlight of my time at Berkeley. It has given me a chance to help patients in difficult medical situations, and as a pre-health undergraduate, this is important to me.” “It is a great opportunity to get clinical experience and work with like...
Biological & Health Sciences Social Sciences Engineering, Design & Technologies Education, Cognition & PsychologyTravis Bristol - Professor, Education
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Background: The Center for Research on Expanding Educational Opportunity (CREEO), launched by Faculty Director Travis J. Bristol, at UC Berkeley School of Education, uses research to shape policy and practice in service of creating opportunities for students and adults historically at the margins to move closer to the center in...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social SciencesSilvia Bunge - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
The Building Blocks of Cognition Laboratory, led by Prof. Silvia Bunge, is investigating how we can help children learn to read, interpret, and reason with graphs more effectively, leveraging insights from cognitive psychology. This project involves behavioral methods. You can learn more about the lab's main lines of research here...
Education, Cognition & PsychologySusana Chung - Professor, Optometry
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
This research project focuses on the understanding of how the visual system works in people with normal vision, as well as in people with uncorrectable sub-normal vision (visual impairment). Uncorrectable sub-normal vision can occur as a result of an eye disease (e.g. macular degeneration, the leading cause of...
Biological & Health Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologySusana Chung - Professor, Optometry
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
This research project focuses on the understanding of how the visual system responds to the onset of vision loss as a result of eye diseases. By understanding how the visual system responds to vision loss, our ultimate goal is to develop effective rehabilitative strategies to help people with vision loss...
Biological & Health Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologySusana Chung - Professor, Optometry
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Loss of vision in the central visual field brings about dramatic changes to everyday activities (e.g. reading, identifying objects). This research project focuses on identifying how the informative features of objects contribute to overall visual function, with the clinical goal of visual performance improvement by enhancing selected parts of objects...
Biological & Health Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyClayton Critcher - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
In my lab, we work on a variety of topics at the intersection of social psychology, judgment and decision making, and consumer behavior. Almost all questions are addressed with the use of behavioral experiments. At present, we are answering questions like the following: *When do consumers defer to product-review...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologySean Darling-Hammond - Professor, Public Health
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Sean Darling-Hammond is an Assistant Professor at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, and the PI for the THESIS lab which stands for Thriving and Health Equity through Social Inclusion in Schools Dr. Darling-Hammond, and the THESIS team, conduct research to ascertain how k-12 school practices...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyDiag Davenport - Professor, Information, School of
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 12 or more hours Location: On Campus
The project aims to bridge machine learning with behavioral science and finance, creating predictive models that offer insights into human interactions and startup success. This research is divided into two distinct but interconnected studies: Team Performance Prediction in Behavioral Science: In this study, we will analyze team dynamics by recording...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social SciencesDiag Davenport - Professor, Information, School of
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 12 or more hours Location: On Campus
This project focuses on designing and launching behavioral experiments to understand decision-making and social behavior in various contexts, including social media, taxes, and online dating. By setting up controlled field and lab studies, the research team aims to capture real-world behavioral data that can provide insights into how...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social SciencesDiag Davenport - Professor, Information, School of
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 12 or more hours Location: On Campus
This project investigates how cultural factors influence individual motivation, focusing on a field experiment conducted in Kenya. By examining how local cultural values, beliefs, and social norms impact motivation, the study aims to provide deeper insights into the relationship between culture and economic behaviors. The research assistant will support the...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social SciencesArianne Eason - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
In the UC DREAMS Lab, directed by Professor Eason, we research how our social and cultural contexts shape attitudes and behavior, and reinforce inequality. Our social, cultural, and developmental psychology lab is hiring research assistants to help with several projects this semester. Across projects, we investigate prejudice, attitudes, stereotyping, discrimination...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social SciencesArianne Eason - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: Off Campus
In the UC DREAMS Lab, directed by Professor Eason, we research how our social and cultural contexts shape attitudes and behavior, and reinforce inequality. Our social, cultural, and developmental psychology lab is hiring research assistants to help with several projects this semester. Across projects, we investigate prejudice, attitudes, stereotyping, discrimination...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social SciencesJan Engelmann - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
We address questions about the evolution and development of socio-cognitive skills by comparing humans to other animals (mostly chimpanzees, our closest living relatives) and by studying how children develop. How do children reason? How strongly is reasoning embedded in social, cognitive processes? The goal of this project is to...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social SciencesEllen Evers - Professor, Marketing
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Our lab's research combines cognitive/social psychology, behavioral economics, and judgment and decision making research. Most of our research involves carrying out online or in-person experiments designed to test a hypothesis about human decision-making. Accepted students will work on a variety of projects within this area. Attendance at...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyAlison Gopnik - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: Off Campus
All research in the Gopnik Cognitive Development and Learning Lab is broadly focused on children's development of cause and effect reasoning and how they learn from and about other people. We are looking for dedicated and motivated undergraduate students interested in pursuing a graduate degree in developmental psychology or a...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social SciencesSa-kiera Hudson - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
From recent bans on queer and feminist literature in public school systems, to restrictions on gender-affirming healthcare, to reduced access to reproductive healthcare, gender identity and sexuality is increasingly at the center of political and ideological discourse in the U.S. As a research laboratory studying social identity and hierarchy...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologySa-kiera Hudson - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Project 2A: If you were to estimate how much income and wealth the average Black family in the U.S. had relative to their White counterparts in 1963 and 2019, how accurate do you think you would be? It turns out that most people are extremely inaccurate, consistently and systematically overestimating...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologySa-kiera Hudson - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Have you ever laughed when someone tripped, felt joy when someone faced the consequences of their actions, or celebrated when a rival sports team or political party lost? When people think about the role of emotions in intergroup relations, they tend to think of empathy, commonly defined as the sensitivity...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologySa-kiera Hudson - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
In 1989, University of California Los Angeles law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term intersectionality to describe how intersecting structures of power shape modes of discrimination and prejudice. Drawing from Black feminism, Crenshaw argued that the discrimination of Black women could not be understood as simply a composite of sexism...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologySarah Inkelis - Professor, Neurology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: Off Campus
The Dyslexia Phenotyping Project involves a large-scale collaboration of UCSF investigators to understand the phenotype (the neural, genetic, cognitive, and behavioral expression) of dyslexia throughout the lifespan. Our aim is not only to identify language-specific weaknesses associated with dyslexia, but also the associated individual strengths. Participants complete a...
Biological & Health Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyRichard Ivry - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Research in our laboratory addresses how people learn new motor skills. We study this topic using behavioral and computational methods with healthy and neurologically impaired humans. The neurological studies examine the contribution of different brain structures, especially the cerebellum and basal ganglia, in motor learning to develop functional hypotheses regarding...
Biological & Health Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyRichard Ivry - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Aims: While humans are remarkably adept at adjusting their movements to operate in uncertain environments, motor control remains a major challenge for AI systems. This project aims to study the computational rules underlying human motor control to improve algorithms for human-like robots: 1. We will conduct longitudinal studies to...
Biological & Health Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologySheri Johnson - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
The goal of this study is to use cognitive training and cognitive behavioral training to promote better emotion regulation. We are testing a novel program, N-ACT, which involves 8 sessions of practicing executive control tasks while exposed to pictures designed to invoke emotion. In each session, clients will also...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologySheri Johnson - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
CALM Program researchers in UC Berkeley's psychology department are seeking a highly-motivated advanced undergraduate (or graduate) student for a volunteer Research Assistant (RA) position. Our team conducts multi-method research examining behavioral and biological mechanisms linking emotion-related impulsivity to mental health problems. We aim to recruit an RA...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyAmy Joy - Professor, Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: Off Campus
This project researches current topics in nutrition and health for my undergraduate class ("Eating Green: The science behind the grassroots food movement"). My class is a small-group class that uses a discussion format to cover a range of controversial questions (eg. Are organic foods better?). Currently teaching this class...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyJerome Karabel - Professor, Sociology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Outlier Nation: The Roots and Consequences of American Exceptionalism The United States has always been exceptional – both for better and for worse. Its distinctive form of democratic capitalism has made the United States the world leader in scientific and technological innovation, the world's leading economy, and home to (by some...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social SciencesCeleste Kidd - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
The Kidd Lab studies learning and belief formation using a combination of computational and behavioral methods. In our behavioral experiments, we measure how humans look, explore, play, and learn starting in infancy and continuing throughout childhood. We use eye-trackers to measure visual fixations, touchscreens to study exploration in kid...
Education, Cognition & PsychologyDana Miller-Cotto - Professor, Education
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
This research is a mixed methods research project which aims to understand the predictors of executive function, a cognitive resource that controls our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and its performance in early schooling. In particular, we study the 1) role of how context may play a role in executive function...
Education, Cognition & PsychologyDana Miller-Cotto - Professor, Education
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: Off Campus
Executive function, or our ability to hold information in mind, ignore distractions, and shift between goals, predicts many important outcomes in life, including educational outcomes and social development. Research indicates that there are differences in how children display executive function skills across race/ethnicity and socio-economic status. There is...
Education, Cognition & PsychologyDon Moore - Professor, Business, Haas School, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Have you ever scored lower on a test than you expected, lost a competition to a competitor you thought you would trounce, been certain about a fact only to have Google prove you incorrect? People are frequently overconfident. Understanding overconfidence can help us become more accurate about our self-perceptions...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyDon Moore - Professor, Business, Haas School, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Human judgments are routinely biased. Can artificially intelligent agents correct for this human bias and achieve greater accuracy in their judgment...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyDon Moore - Professor, Business, Haas School, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
The scientific world is changing quickly as scientists improve their research practices and correct errors in the published record. This project seeks to test the replicability of published work that is now suspect. This is a chance to play a role in a project in the vanguard of open science...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyDon Moore - Professor, Business, Haas School, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Have you ever read a research article and wondered if the authors truly tested the research question they purported to test? The focus of this project concerns the evaluation of research methodology. You would work primarily with a senior graduate student in the lab on her research. It is an...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyZachary Pardos - Professor, Education
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
This project seeks to fill technical new researcher positions in the AskOski and OATutor research and development teams. The AskOski project ( is a research and development effort lead by Professor Pardos to transfer the latest in big data and machine learning research to the domain of course...
Engineering, Design & Technologies Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyZachary Pardos - Professor, Education
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: Off Campus
Adaptive tutoring systems are designed to provide students in K-12 and intro college courses a personalized homework experience. This means giving the right problem to a student at the right time based given a continuous assessment of their mastery of a skill. At Berkeley, the ALEKS system is used...
Engineering, Design & Technologies Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologySteven Piantadosi - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
We are currently working on a series of studies that use behavioral methods to research mathematical development in children. These studies investigate: 1) the relationship between early mathematics and attention; and 2) the development of algorithmic reasoning in early mathematics. They are funded by the NSF’s Division of Research on...
Education, Cognition & PsychologyJuliana Schroeder - Professor, Business, Haas School, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
Founded in 2004, the Experimental Social Science Laboratory (Xlab) conducts experiment-based investigations of issues of interest to social scientists. Xlab supports UC Berkeley’s world class research by providing resources such as access to participant pools, experiment coordination, payment support, access to softwares, grants, and more. It also provides technical...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyValerie Shapiro - Professor, Social Welfare
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: Off Campus
Behavioral health problems like depression, substance misuse, academic disengagement, and anxiety are common in young people, but many of these problems are preventable! Research has demonstrated how social and emotional learning (SEL) in schools can greatly improve the wellbeing and achievement of young people, but this research isn’t easily accessed...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyMichal Shuldman - Assistant Teaching Professor, Integrative Biology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
This project looks at how undergraduate biology students perceive their instructors' practices in introductory courses at a large research university. While most education reform efforts in biology focus on “inclusive teaching” have been defined by instructors and researchers, there hasn’t been much focus on how students themselves view inclusion. We’re...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Biological & Health SciencesMahesh Srinivasan - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: Off Campus
The goal of this program is to provide a comprehensive, hands-on research experience to highly motivated students, while making valuable contributions to cognitive science. Our lab's research explores how linguistic, cognitive, and social abilities arise during human development. A central goal of our research is exploring how...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social SciencesMahesh Srinivasan - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: Off Campus
This project explores how Hindu and Muslim children in India develop religious concepts and beliefs. Our project is part of a larger international, cross-cultural study. We are interested in questions including how children develop concepts of religious and supernatural entities, how children reason about religious norms, how religious beliefs...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social SciencesMahesh Srinivasan - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: Off Campus
Differences in academic achievement between high and low socioeconomic status (SES) children arise at a very early age. Understanding the factors that give rise to these differences is essential for understanding the intergenerational transmission of poverty. The East Bay Financial Needs Study (EBFNS) tests the idea that the psychological experience...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social SciencesEos Trinidad - Professor , Education
Status: Open Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
HOW CAN WE IMPROVE EDUCATION through organizations outside schools? This research is a mixed-methods research project, understanding the role of “outside school” organizations (research, philanthropic, nonprofit orgs) on education systems and school improvement. This semester we will focus on "IMPROVING INSTRUCTIONAL IMPROVEMENT IN CALIFORNIA" by looking at how the...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyTina Trujillo - Professor, Education
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: Off Campus
At the Berkeley Psychedelic Facilitation Certificate Program, advanced professionals are learning how to safely, effectively, and equitably support clients, patients, and study participants in psychedelic-assisted healing and research settings. In the 2024-25 academic year, the Program will welcome its third cohort of learners to participate in a 200-hour...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyMichelle Wilkerson - Professor, Education
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
My research so far has focused on how teacher education programs incorporate justice and critical consciousness into K-12 computer science curricula. By investigating both their theoretical foundations and the lived experiences of CS pre-service teachers (PSTs), I have found significant variance in how these programs prepare educators to...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & Psychology Engineering, Design & TechnologiesMark Wilson - Professor, Education
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Critical Reasoning for College Readiness (CR4CR) is a project that seeks to develop psychometrically sound assessments that can be used by teachers in the classrooms at the high school and early college levels. Our goal is to develop, revise, and validate a suite of assessments, including unique assessment tasks and...
Education, Cognition & Psychology Social Sciences Digital Humanities and Data ScienceFei Xu - Professor, Psychology
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
The Berkeley Early Learning Lab, under the direction of Professor Fei Xu, researches statistical inference, Bayesian reasoning, conceptual representation, belief revision, social cognition, and language acquisition in infants and children aged 4 months to 10 years. Children participate in our studies at our Berkeley Way West lab, at preschools, and...
Education, Cognition & Psychology