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Anastassia Fedyk - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
This is an opportunity to work on technical projects involving ML/AI. The projects include: (i) working with a large dataset of over 400 million employment profiles (resumes) in order to understand global employment dynamics and firm performance by structuring and analyze the large textual data; (ii) building custom large...
Digital Humanities and Data Science Social SciencesAnastassia Fedyk - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
This project supports Professor Anastassia Fedyk’s research and policy work with web development and graphic design. The project involves maintaining and improving policy-related web resources such as, as well as designing and running experimental RCTs and surveys (sometimes involving new websites, sometimes executing simple Qualtrics surveys). Finally, the...
Digital Humanities and Data Science Social SciencesAnastassia Fedyk - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
This project assists in Professor Fedyk's more practical research, including not only her research papers but also frequent media interviews and the op-eds she writes for outlets such as Washington Post and LA Times. Example topics covered in this project include: Macroeconomic policies in the US and abroad; Measuring...
Digital Humanities and Data Science Social SciencesAnastassia Fedyk - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Open Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
This project focuses on data: hand-collecting new data, improving existing data, and structuring large messy data. Today, very large data sets are often at the heart of many social science research questions. However, those data sets can be plagued by big data problems: missing data, bad data, duplicate data...
Digital Humanities and Data Science Social Sciences