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Ksenia Krasileva - Professor, Plant and Microbial Biology
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Plants have powerful defense mechanisms, which rely on an arsenal of plant immune receptors. Major classes of plant immune receptors include Receptor like kinases (RLKs), receptor like proteins (RLPs), and Nucleotide Binding Leucine Rich Repeat (NLR) proteins. On the population level, plant immune receptors provide plants with enough diversity to...
Biological & Health SciencesKsenia Krasileva - Professor, Plant and Microbial Biology
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 12 or more hours Location: On Campus
Plant diseases pose a significant threat to global agricultural crop production. Developing genetically modified plants with boosted disease resistance offers an economical and environmental solution. Plant immune receptors are naturally evolved resistance determinants that recognize target pathogen molecules to initiate defense responses. They have been widely used as transgenes. However...
Biological & Health SciencesKsenia Krasileva - Professor, Plant and Microbial Biology
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Stripe rust along with stem and leaf rust are the major threat to wheat production worldwide. It is estimated that wheat rust pathogens cause a global annual loss of approximately 15 million tons, with a value of US$ 2.9 billion. Plant breeders are constantly putting in the effort to develop...
Biological & Health SciencesLaura Kray - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
This project examines behavior, beliefs, and attitudes relevant to gender differences in career attainment. Using a variety of methods, including experimental studies, correlational studies, and archival analyses, this project seeks to understand organizational barriers limiting gender equality in compensation and advancement and to identify interventions aimed at mitigating them. Some...
Social SciencesLaura Kray - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
This project examines how power differently impacts men and women's experiences of the workplace. Power leads people to experience a number of psychological changes, however these changes may manifest differently in men and women. To investigate this question, we will run correlational studies, social science experiments, and interviews...
Social SciencesLaura Kray - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: Off Campus
In this project, we are interested in how people experience question and answer periods after talks about research. The research in this project is centered around how do people judge the questions other people ask and how does that make them in turn feel. For our next study, we would...
Social SciencesDorothy Kronick - Professor, Center for Effective Global Action
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
The majority of people in extreme poverty live in conflict-affected or fragile countries, most of which experience primarily internal conflicts, rather than wars with another country. Latin America has experienced a number of recent civil conflicts, as well as notable drug trafficking efforts and crime waves that cause more...
Social Sciences Digital Humanities and Data ScienceLayla Kwong - Professor, Public Health
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Influenzas infect 3-5 million hosts annually. Originating in avian hosts, novel strains of influenza virus have high mortality when they are transmitted to humans. Live poultry markets, including those in Bangladesh, are known focal points of disease transmission. We have collected data on building dynamics, worker exposures, and airborne avian...
Environmental Issues Biological & Health SciencesLayla Kwong - Professor, Public Health
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
In large parts of Sub Saharan Africa, health facilities (e.g. hospitals and clinics) lack appropriate energy infrastructure. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where much of the continent's unelectrified are exposed to both climate and conflict pressures, the near-total absence of a central grid requires the health sector...
Environmental Issues Biological & Health SciencesLayla Kwong - Professor, Public Health
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Exposure to animal feces can cause diarrhea, but not all animal feces are the same. While chicken poop can cause many child health issues, cow dung is used for many practical and spiritual purposes. What are people using cow dung for? How does this affect their spiritual lives, health, and...
Environmental Issues Biological & Health SciencesLayla Kwong - Professor, Public Health
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
As temperatures continue to rise, workplace heat exposure presents an increasing challenge to occupational health and safety. This reality positions climate change as an important labor rights issue. Workers in developing countries will be among those most affected. Still, there exists limited research on the impacts of climate change on...
Environmental Issues Biological & Health SciencesHRC Lab - Co-Faculty Director, Human Rights Center
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Thank you for your interest in the Investigations Lab. For the Spring 2025 semester, we are only accepting applications from students that completed LS125 in Fall 2024. Those students were already sent a supplemental application due January 6th. We are not accepting any other applicants this semester, but will accept...
Social SciencesMarika Landau-Wells - Professor, Political Science
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
People are exposed to stories of all kinds in their daily lives, including appealing but false stories such as conspiracy theories. One way to understand the causal influence of stories on beliefs and behaviors is to use them as experimental treatments. The outcomes of these experiments can vary widely depending...
Social SciencesMarika Landau-Wells - Professor, Political Science
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
Threat perception has always played a major role in foreign and domestic policy-making. From Covid to climate change to terrorism, policy-makers have made decisions about which potential threats to address and which to ignore. This project investigates how policy-makers in the U.S. and in other countries determine...
Social SciencesMarika Landau-Wells - Professor, Political Science
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
Neuroscientists have studied the brain's response to threatening stimuli since the earliest days of brain imaging. Yet there is no single catalogue of threat perception studies and their findings. Meta-analysis involves using data from many studies to characterize the collective state of knowledge in a field. This project seeks...
Social SciencesMarika Landau-Wells - Professor, Political Science
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
Social scientists often assign categorical values to text data in order to structure it (e.g., categorizing statements made by Congress members as pro- or anti-immigration). Traditionally, this coding has been done manually by humans who read and categorize the texts of interest. This method risks both systematic error (e.g...
Social SciencesLaurel Larsen - Professor, Geography
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
The Okavango Delta in Botswana is one of the world’s largest and most significant wetlands. Land-use changes in its headwaters and climate change are altering its patterns of inundation, with potential consequences for wildlife and human livelihoods. Due to the vastness and remoteness of the Okavango, however, its changing...
Mathematical and Physical SciencesLaurel Larsen - Professor, Geography
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
California supplies water to nearly 40 million people, sustains the most productive agricultural region in the US, and supports a rich diversity of freshwater species. However, persistent drought, extreme floods, and widespread environmental degradation are exposing significant vulnerabilities in the state’s water management system. Furthermore, decisions over how water is...
Mathematical and Physical SciencesLaurel Larsen - Professor, Geography
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
River flow forecasting is essential for planning reservoir operations, defense strategies against flooding, and fluvial ecosystems management plans. However, flow forecasting is a highly uncertain science. One of the biggest uncertainties lies in resolving the timescales over which water is stored in the subsurface and time lags between perturbations in...
Mathematical and Physical SciencesLaurel Larsen - Professor, Geography
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: Off Campus
The Environmental Systems Dynamics Laboratory (ESDL) focuses on the interplay between biological, physical, and human aspects of the environment using a combination of physically-based and data-driven models. This internship aims to expand on our current work exploring the use of deep learning for environmental predictions. Deep learning methods...
Mathematical and Physical SciencesAdrian Lee - Professor, Physics
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: Off Campus
We are working on precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) – the relic thermal radiation that decoupled from the primordial plasma when the universe was just 0.003% of its current age. Measurements of the CMB have been central to the formation of the modern picture of the universe, and...
Mathematical and Physical SciencesAdrian Lee - Professor, Physics
Status: Check back for status Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is a unique window to fundamental physics. It can be used to probe primordial gravitational waves, which are a distinct sign that the early universe has experienced an exponentially rapid expansion at its age of ~10^-32 seconds. The CMB photons also probe the properties...
Mathematical and Physical SciencesAdrian Lee - Professor, Physics
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: Off Campus
Our team specializes in the development, production, and evaluation of highly sensitive detectors, antennas, and readout electronics for a diverse range of cosmology experiments. These endeavors capitalize on the extraordinary properties of superconductivity and the principles of microwave engineering. Through the application of these cutting-edge techniques, we are interested...
Mathematical and Physical SciencesPeggy G. Lemaux - Professor of Cooperative Extension, Plant and Microbial Biology
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
General Description and Research Approach. Were heat waves or intense rainfall events common when you were growing up? Now, these events are common due to effects of climate change. These events include heatwaves, more severe and frequent rainstorms, increased wildfires and droughts. Recent Los Angeles fires are an example of...
Biological & Health SciencesPeggy G. Lemaux - Professor of Cooperative Extension, Plant and Microbial Biology
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), is the fifth most important cereal crop worldwide and is a critical food, forage, and emerging biofuel crop. Understanding the photosynthetic mechanisms by which sorghum can capture sunlight more efficiently under adverse climate conditions is critical to using this crop to remove carbon dioxide that...
Biological & Health SciencesGabriel Lenz - Professor, Political Science
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
US cities continue to experience a criminal justice nightmare with high rates of interpersonal violence, police violence, and incarceration. When did this nightmare start? Why did it start? In preliminary work, I've found that this nightmare appears to have begun in Jim Crow southern cities around 1900. This finding suggests...
Social SciencesGabriel Lenz - Professor, Political Science
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Unions are one of the few democratic institutions within the workplace. However, the institutional structure of unions can encourage or constrain democracy within unions. I am interested in investigating the inner workings of union locals by collecting data on union local constitutions and bylaws, and collective bargaining agreements. Additionally, unions...
Social SciencesGabriel Lenz - Professor, Political Science
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
Research apprentices will assist with a project studying the racial identity and racial attitudes of white Democrats. This group has become markedly more liberal on race-related issues over the past decade, and scholars don’t know exactly why. This projects help to explain this shift by exploring how white survey...
Social SciencesGabriel Lenz - Professor, Political Science
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
This project has two parts. Part 1 looks at how the news media shapes policy outcomes and whether disparities in coverage lead to policy inequity. Can we show convincing evidence that news coverage of pedestrian fatalities leads to a change in local transportation policy? Are certain communities more likely to...
Social SciencesAndrew Leong - Professor , English
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
Japanese and English-language literary columns in Japanese American newspapers played crucial roles in pre-World War II immigrant society, offering opportunities for readers and contributors to think and feel more deeply and imaginatively about their lives in the United States. This project includes retrieving, categorizing, and studying literary texts...
Arts & HumanitiesAndrew Leong - Professor , English
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
Tessaku_ Tessaku (鉄柵, or “Iron Fence”) is a Japanese-language literary journal that was published by incarcerees in the Tule Lake Segregation Center during World War II. It consists of nine issues, totaling 751 pages, running from March 1944 to July 1945, and includes poetry, fiction, and essays composed by...
Arts & HumanitiesDennis Levi - Professor, Optometry
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Research in my lab focuses on how we perceive visual forms and patterns, and how form and depth perception are degraded by abnormal visual experience early in life (amblyopia). Specifically, we use psychophysics, eye-movements, computational modelling and brain imaging (fMRI) to study the neural mechanisms of normal pattern vision...
Biological & Health SciencesDennis Levi - Professor, Optometry
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Most observers experience the world in three dimensions (3D) made possible by a combination of monocular and binocular cues to depth. In Amblyopia, a developmental disorder of spatial vision, a significant portion of observers have very coarse or no stereopsis (a cue for 3D perception). Previous research has shown that...
Biological & Health SciencesDennis Levi - Professor, Optometry
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Amblyopia is a neurodevelopmental disorder of spatial vision characterized by a reduction in visual acuity. Previous research has shown that several neuro, oculomotor and perceptual deficits are also present in persons with amblyopia. Particularly, research has shown that amblyopes have longer saccadic and manual latencies to stimuli (i.e., the time...
Biological & Health SciencesDennis Levi - Professor, Optometry
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Most people with degraded vision (amblyopia) lack 3D-depth vision (stereoblindness). Using a simple training, the depth perceptual sense can be recovered and some people can experience depth in 3D movie theatres for the first time. The goal of the project is to test this phenomenon extensively and investigate what...
Biological & Health SciencesDavid Levine - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Most poor women face challenges with menstrual hygiene. The results are staying home during one's period (limiting work and school), fear of leaks, infections, and high cost of single-use products. We are running two trials in Tamil Nadu and in Karnataka on distribution of menstrual cups. It would be...
Social Sciences Arts & HumanitiesDavid Levine - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: Off Campus
We are developing a curriculum based on stories, games and engaging activities ) to teach about health in poor nations (wash hands with soap, cover your cough, etc.). If you are selected for this research project, you have the OPTION to join the Youth Equity Discovery Initiative (YEDI) program. YEDI is...
Social Sciences Arts & HumanitiesDavid Levine - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Roughly 1.5 billion poor people receive healthcare from roughly 1.5 million community health workers (CHWs). CHWs are typically women with limited education and minimal training. ChatGPT, GPT4 and their peers should be able to provide high-quality support, especially if trained on the local clinical guidelines. If you are selected...
Social Sciences Arts & HumanitiesDavid Levine - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
I am involved in a research project that is giving Android smart phones to nurses and midwives in clinics in rural Kenya. We need to program an app that helps them follow a checklist of procedures for a safe delivery. If successful, I hope this app will be adopted widely...
Social Sciences Arts & HumanitiesJennifer Lewis - Professor, Plant and Microbial Biology
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: Off Campus
The plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae causes disease in a large number of different plant species, using the type III secretion system to secrete and translocate effector proteins into the plant. Many of these effector proteins are believed to function primarily in the suppression of host defense signaling. However recognition of...
Biological & Health Sciences Digital Humanities and Data ScienceJennifer Lewis - Professor, Plant and Microbial Biology
Status: Check back for status Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: Off Campus
The plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae causes disease in a large number of different plant species. Virulence is primarily achieved by the type III secretion system, which secretes and translocates effector proteins into the plant. Many of these effector proteins are believed to suppress host defense signaling. However recognition of these...
Biological & Health Sciences Digital Humanities and Data ScienceLu Liang - Professor, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
The urban heat island phenomenon, characterized by significantly higher temperatures in urban areas compared to surrounding rural areas, is a critical global challenge with significant social and environmental impacts. While satellite remote sensing provides valuable data on land surface temperatures, it does not directly measure the ambient air temperatures that...
Engineering, Design & Technologies Environmental IssuesLu Liang - Professor, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Understanding urban climate dynamics, such as the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, requires comprehensive datasets on urban morphology and land cover. Local Climate Zones (LCZs) provide a standardized framework for classifying urban and rural areas based on their physical and surface properties. A global LCZ database is essential for analyzing...
Engineering, Design & Technologies Environmental IssuesKent Lightfoot - Professor, Anthropology
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
This project is an opportunity for URAP students to participate in the lab-based analysis of soils excavated from the Estate Little Princess, a sugar plantation that was active on St. Croix (US Virgin Islands) from 1749 through the 1940s. Over the course of the semester students will be trained...
Social SciencesKent Lightfoot - Professor, Anthropology
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
Researchers in the California Archaeology Laboratory are continuing a long-term study investigating land stewardship practices of Native Californian peoples. The study involves collecting samples of archaeological biological materials (shell, animal, and plant remains) from a number of sites up to 6000 years old on the Central California Coast and...
Social SciencesMeng C. Lin - Professor, Optometry
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Dry eye disease (DED) is pervasive with some reports estimating over 16 million adults diagnosed with DED in the United States. It has been well documented that race, sex, systemic conditions, medications, and contact lens use are among the risk factors for DED. There are numerous dry eye questionnaires and...
Biological & Health SciencesMeng C. Lin - Professor, Optometry
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Our goals at the Clinical Research Center of the Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry and Vision Science are to explore new models and strategies for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of ocular diseases through patient-based clinical studies/trials and translational research. We are committed to advancing the understanding of...
Biological & Health SciencesMeng C. Lin - Professor, Optometry
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
This research investigates the fascinating impact of aging on the morphology of the Meibomian gland (MG), which plays a pivotal role in Ocular Surface Disease. Traditionally, clinicians have employed subjective methods to identify and grade MG features such as atrophy, tortuosity, length, width, and ghosting. At the exciting crossroads of...
Biological & Health SciencesMeng C. Lin - Professor, Optometry
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
Scleral lenses, unlike standard contact lenses, are large-diameter rigid lenses that rest on the sclera (white part of the eye) and create a tear-filled reservoir to hydrate the anterior ocular surface. They are primarily recommended for patients with corneal irregularities and dry eye diseases due to their capability...
Biological & Health SciencesFenyong Liu - Professor, Public Health
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 12 or more hours Location: On Campus
The long-term goals of our research are (1) to study the functions of genes of human herpes simplex virus (HSV) (the causative agent of genital herpes and cold sores) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) (the leading cause of congenital abnormalities in newborns and blindness and death in AIDS patients) in regulation...
Biological & Health Sciences