Neurosensory environments shift spider predation behavior
Rosemary Gillespie, Professor
Environmental Science, Policy and Management
Closed. This professor is continuing with Fall 2024 apprentices on this project; no new apprentices needed for Spring 2025.
No matter the size, all organisms interact with the world via their senses. Sensory input dictates reactions to stimuli, and the ability of organisms to adapt their neurological and sensory structures is critical to success and survival. Web building spiders in particular use webs as an extension and enhancement of their senses; however, web building is frequently lost over the course of evolution. What sensory adaptations do these spiders have to account for the lost web structure?
Using a genus of long-jawed orb-weaving spiders (Tetragnatha) as a model system, this project uses an interdisciplinary approach to examine the specific changes in morphology and neurophysiology linked to the loss of web building.
Role: Students involved in this project will take part in the care of live specimens, utilize morphological approaches to sort, examine, and document Hawaiian Tetragnatha specimens, and will have the opportunity to assist with behavioral experiments. During the latter half of the semester, students may be able to take part in movement tracking of this footage using analysis software such as DeepLabCut depending on interest and quality of footage from the behavior experiments.
Qualifications: Applicants should be organized, detail-oriented, and able to work independently. Some background or interest in entomology, arachnology, or animal behavior is recommended but not required. Previous experience with video analysis software is a plus, but not required.
Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Kathy Nagel, Graduate Student
Hours: 6-8 hrs
Biological & Health Sciences Environmental Issues