Child support payments for child welfare-involved families
Jill Berrick, Professor
Social Welfare
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I am engaged in research that examines state policies regarding the imposition of child support payments for parents whose children are in foster care. An obscure federal policy allows states to charge parents when their children are placed in foster care. My work focuses on examining these policies across states and providing research support to change state policies so that they are more family-friendly.
Role: Meet with me regularly (probably weekly) to review research tasks associated with this project.
Assist in collecting data from individual states about their policy approach.
Support continued development of our website to host accumulated data, infographics, etc.
Other tasks associated with child welfare research.
Qualifications: Knowledge of Weebly website software.
Interest in topic.
Strong academic record.
Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Jill Duerr Berrick
Hours: 3-5 hrs
Off-Campus Research Site: Weekly meetings will occur via ZOOM or in-person as preferred.
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Social Sciences