Children's rights and parents' rights in child welfare, education, and health: Tracking national trends
Jill Berrick, Professor
Social Welfare
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The U.S. is the only country in the world that has not signed the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. The position of children in this country is therefore ambiguous and contested. Examining news stories that pertain to children and families over the past five years, this study will determine whether there are trends towards privileging children's rights or parents' rights in the areas of health, education, or child welfare, and the ways in which those rights are expressed across states and contexts.
Role: Review news headlines and abstracts from weekly news "clippings" and code. Engage with a second member of the research team to cross-code for reliability.
Qualifications: Strong candidates will have an interest in children's issues. Interest or knowledge relating to foster care may be helpful.
Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Jill Duerr Berrick, Ph.D. candidate
Hours: 3-5 hrs
Off-Campus Research Site: Remote. Includes weekly meeting with research team.
Related website: http://
Social Sciences