Feasibility, Acceptability, and Impact of Video Visits with Non-Licensed Providers for Psychosocial Needs Screening and Linkage to Services in a Safety Net Obstetrics Clinic
Susan Ivey, Professor
Public Health
Open. Apprentices needed for the spring semester. Enter your application online beginning January 17th. The deadline to apply is Monday, January 27th, 4 p.m..
This is a qualitative study of Medicaid-insured pregnant patients and barriers to care in safety net obstetric settings. Patients are in the UCSF system and will be interviewed about barriers to care and videovisit access using open-ended questions, in English and Spanish.
Role: Role: The undergraduate researcher will 1) review the accuracy of transcripts from semi-structured interviews, 2) co-develop the study’s codebook, 3) support the project with coding and thematic analysis in ATLAS.ti platform, 4) consent patients remotely for an interview, 5) may conduct interviews if comfortable (we will train), 6) Develop patient education material for video visits, 7) Review transcripts for accuracy in English and Spanish. Hours: 3-5 hours (1 unit of credit); 6-8 hours (2 units of credit)
Qualifications: Qualifications: Prior experience in qualitative research would be great, but most importantly the medical student is seeking the support of a student eager to learn and contribute to addressing unequal treatment or access to care. We can train in methods/analysis. Written and spoken Spanish abilities are required to conduct interviews, listen to recordings to check transcription, and help on coding.
Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Jenny Juarez Yoc, UC Berkeley-UCSF Graduate-Medical Student
Hours: to be negotiated
Off-Campus Research Site: ZSFGH
Social Sciences Biological & Health Sciences