Genetic basis of skeletal evolution in tropical and temperate house mice
Michael Nachman, Professor
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Integrative Biology
Closed. This professor is continuing with Fall 2024 apprentices on this project; no new apprentices needed for Spring 2025.
Within ~500 years, house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) have expanded into a wide variety of habitats across North and South America. House mice can be found from the tropics to the arctic, and populations inhabiting these different environments have adapted to different thermal regimes. This project will focus on the genetic basis of skeletal evolution in house mice from different climates. House mice are found in a wide variety of habitats across North and South America, and mice from colder regions have evolved thermoregulatory adaptations such as increased body size and decreased extremity length. However, it is not known what elements of the skeleton have changed to achieve these organismal level phenotypes, nor is it known how these skeletal differences are reflected at the genetic level. This project will use museum specimen measurements and quantitative genetic analyses to evaluate those two unknowns.
Role: Undergraduate students are being recruited to help with skeletal measurements relating to this research, using calipers to assess variation in skeletal morphology, and linking this variation to genetic differences. Students will have the opportunity to gain training in evolutionary biology and genetics and museum science. An overall expected outcome is to develop scientific skills and help prepare for a career in science. Sufficiently motivated and talented students may be able to develop independent thesis projects within the context of this research, along with co-authorship on a peer-reviewed scientific paper.
Qualifications: I am particularly interested in recruiting students who are entering their junior year or earlier, with the hope that they will remain involved in the project for 1-2 years. Students who have some background in evolution, genetics, working with museum specimens, and/or coursework in organismal biology (i.e. IB 104 or IB 173) and/or anatomy (i.e. IB 130 or IB 131) are encouraged to apply.
Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Sylvia Durkin, Ph.D. candidate
Hours: to be negotiated
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Biological & Health Sciences