Suicide Bereavement and Impact of Stigma on Help-Seeking Behavior in Nairobi, Kenya
Ndola Prata, Professor
Public Health
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Suicide is a serious public health problem globally. There are about 800,000 deaths by suicide globally. Of these, 77% are in low-and-middle income countries. For each suicide, 35 - 140 people are affected, but very few seek care. Individuals bereaved by suicide also experience stigma and therefore are reluctant to seek mental health care and are at risk for depression and suicidality themselves. My study includes a survey to understand the patterns and levels of depression among those bereaved by suicide in Nairobi, Kenya, and how stigma impacts access to care. There is a qualitative component with in-depth interviews to understand the experiences of those bereaved by suicide in Nairobi.
Role: To be able to program a survey instrument in RedCAP, clean data, build in-depth analysis through interviews, develop codes, and code books.
Qualifications: Looking for an undergraduate student researcher with RedCAP experience and ability to program a survey instrument inRedCAP and help with data cleaning and analysis. Ability to assist with transcription and analyses of in-depth interviews -develop codes, code books, and conduct analyses.
Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Purba Chatterjee, Graduate Student
Hours: 3-5 hrs
Biological & Health Sciences Social Sciences