Does studying business ethics make MBAs more ethical?
Guo Xu, Professor
Business, Haas School
Open. Apprentices needed for the spring semester. Enter your application online beginning January 17th. The deadline to apply is Monday, January 27th, 4 p.m..
Many business schools offer a course on business ethics. Does being exposed to business ethics make you a more ethical business leader? Despite being a simple question, the answer is quite ambiguous. This project aims to answer the question.
Role: The URAP will gain experience in the research process. We will work on conducting a review of the existing literature, as well as explore potential ways to answer this question. The student will gain experience in doing background research, constructing datasets and performing basic empirical analysis.
Qualifications: Interest in the topic and knowledge of Excel is essential. Experience with statistical packages and programming languages (R, Stata, Python) is desirable. The project is ideal for students majoring in business, economics or political science.
Hours: 12 or more hours
Social Sciences