FUTUREPAIN (TEMPORARILY PAUSED FOR FALL SEMESTER 2024): Randomized Controlled Trial to Test an Online Mind-Body Intervention for Chronic Pain and Whether Racial-Ethnic Concordance Affects Outcomes
Timothy Brown, Professor
Public Health
Closed. This professor is continuing with Spring 2024 apprentices on this project; no new apprentices needed for Fall 2024.
This project will implement and disseminate the FUTUREPAIN validated questionnaire as a screening device to determine who will benefit from a series of online mind-body interventions (affective self-awareness, mindfulness, and neurobiological education) to treat chronic pain for five chronic pain conditions. This involves developing and testing the online intervention, and social media and ordinary media outreach to enroll experimental subjects. This project is intended to be the basis of a large research proposal on chronic pain prevention and treatment.
Role: The undergraduates involved will complete and maintain the FUTUREPAIN website, complete development of a set of online courses to deliver the intervention and collect experimental data, troubleshoot problems during the experimental period, help analyze data, and write papers based on the results. This project will be the basis of a large research grant proposal. Undergraduates will perform the following:
1. Maintain and improve the FUTUREPAIN website, which is the portal into the FUTUREPAIN study.
2. Complete development of the online intervention course (on the EDX platform--similar to Canvas), including setting up videos, presentations, and data collection instruments (using Qualtrics).
3. Participate in a social media outreach to invite chronic pain sufferers to participate in the study.
4. File institutional review board protocols
5. Write a paper describing the FUTUREPAIN protocol and analysis plan for publication.
6. Troubleshoot issues once the experiment begins
7. Analyze data and write papers based on the results.
Qualifications: Qualifications:
1. Website design experience, experience with Canvas course development, Qualtrics experience, an understanding of statistics, and social media experience (at least one of the former). On-the-job learning is expected, but some experience is needed. Computer science and public health majors preferred, but any major may apply.
2. Hours: 8-10 hours per week (so you could select 6-8 hours or 9-11 hours). This is flexible depending on how many students express interest.
3. This project will run from Fall 2021 through Spring 2025.
Hours: 9-11 hrs
Off-Campus Research Site: All meetings will be on-campus (or done via Zoom) depending on student needs.
Biological & Health Sciences