Early stage research in Industrial Organization and Marketing
Olivia Natan, Professor
Business, Haas School
Applications for Fall 2024 are closed for this project.
This URAP project exposes students to one or more of the ongoing projects in quantitative marketing and industrial organization, including topics on product variety, pricing, and consumer demand. Examples of ongoing projects include work on optimal platform product variety, product bundling in video game markets, and consumer search and information processing.
Projects will be supervised by Prof Natan or jointly supervised by her with co-authors.
Qualifications: Research apprentices may be involved in a variety of tasks based on their interests, including data collection and processing, literature reviews, and data analysis in Python or R. Applicants should have Python or R experience, interest in academic empirical research in marketing or economics, and great communication skills.
Hours: to be negotiated
Off-Campus Research Site: Remote
Digital Humanities and Data Science Social Sciences