Aim & Empire: Mapping and Research Assistants for Book Project on the Arms Trade in the Age of Revolutions
Brian DeLay, Professor
Applications for Spring 2025 are closed for this project.
None of the revolutionaries who transformed the Americas in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries could mass-produce their own guns and ammunition. They had to rely on the international arms trade. Aim at Empire is the first book to explore how access to weapons (or lack thereof) shaped relations of power in this transformational era.
Role: Aim at Empire is nearly complete. I hope to recruit 3-4 research assistants to help with a variety of tasks during Spring 2025 to help get the manuscript to the press. The work will include: helping produce draft maps as guidance for the professional mapmaker making the maps for the book; contacting museums and libraries to secure image permissions for the book; and a variety of other research tasks necessary to finalize the draft manuscript.
Qualifications: I hope to recruit one student who has experience with digital mapping tools. No specific qualifications for the other two-three students on the team, though previous research assistant experience and/or multiple history classes (in any topic) will help.
Hours: to be negotiated
Off-Campus Research Site: Most of the work can be done remotely
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Social Sciences Arts & Humanities Digital Humanities and Data Science