Marangoni effect enhances an ultrafast escape and its wake impairs predator’s locomotion in water striders
Ortega Jimenez, Professor
Integrative Biology
Applications for Fall 2024 are closed for this project.
Marangoni effect is used by water striders (Veliidae) and rove beetles (Staphylinidae) to induce an ultrafast escape response against inter- or intra-specific predators. However, it is unclear if the surfactants secreted by these insects, that reduce surface tension of water, can also affect predator’s locomotion during the chasing.
Role: Film insects, make physical modes, biomechanical analysis, and write report.
Qualifications: Enthusiasm to work with insects. Interest in animal locomotion and fluid dynamics.
Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Victor Ortega Jimenez, Staff Researcher
Hours: 6-8 hrs
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Biological & Health Sciences