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Matteo Benetton - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
In this project we plan to study the effect of financial influencers on asset markets. We will identify influencers in popular general platforms (e.g., twitter, instagram) and platform more specific for investments (e.g., StockTwits). We plan to study for both stocks and cryptocurrencies trading activities and return performances of retail...
Digital Humanities and Data Science Social SciencesMatteo Benetton - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
The project is part of a large agenda trying to understand how banks compete in an evolving environment affected by changing demographics and the entry non fintech lenders and bigtech firms. One project is studying the heterogeneous preferences of borrowers and savers to explain the lengthening of the financial intermediation...
Digital Humanities and Data Science Social Sciences