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Ahmed Alaa - Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Status: Check back for status Weekly Hours: 12 or more hours Location: On Campus
Conformal prediction (CP) is a model-agnostic and distribution-free method for quantifying uncertainty in black-box machine learning (ML) models. CP can be used to construct prediction sets/intervals that covers the true labels with a pre-determined probability as long as the training and testing data are exchangeable...
Digital Humanities and Data Science Engineering, Design & TechnologiesAhmed Alaa - Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Status: Check back for status Weekly Hours: 12 or more hours Location: On Campus
Vision-Language Models (VLM) can support clinicians by analyzing medical images and engaging in natural language interactions to assist in diagnostic and treatment tasks. However, VLMs often exhibit "hallucinogenic" behavior, generating textual outputs not grounded in contextual multimodal information. This challenge is particularly pronounced in the medical domain, where we...
Digital Humanities and Data Science Engineering, Design & TechnologiesAhmed Alaa - Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Status: Check back for status Weekly Hours: 12 or more hours Location: On Campus
Large language models (LLMs) pre-trained on large corpora of text have demonstrated incredible capabilities across with zero- or few-shot performance in new tasks that differ from their pre-training objectives. In this projects, we will study the zero-shot performance of LLMs for various clinical tasks using real...
Digital Humanities and Data Science Engineering, Design & TechnologiesAhmed Alaa - Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 12 or more hours Location: On Campus
Institutional constraints and concerns over patient privacy impedes sharing of clinical data among researchers. High-fidelity synthetic data that mimics the real data distribution without revealing real data for individual patients can help empower and democratize research applying machine learning models to clinical problems. In this project, we will use...
Digital Humanities and Data Science Engineering, Design & Technologies