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Dana Miller-Cotto - Professor, Education
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: On Campus
This research is a mixed methods research project which aims to understand the predictors of executive function, a cognitive resource that controls our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and its performance in early schooling. In particular, we study the 1) role of how context may play a role in executive function...
Education, Cognition & PsychologyDana Miller-Cotto - Professor, Education
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: Off Campus
Executive function, or our ability to hold information in mind, ignore distractions, and shift between goals, predicts many important outcomes in life, including educational outcomes and social development. Research indicates that there are differences in how children display executive function skills across race/ethnicity and socio-economic status. There is...
Education, Cognition & Psychology