Data acquisition and real-time data pipeline for cryogenic calorimeter experiments
Yury Kolomensky, Professor
Applications for Spring 2025 are closed for this project.
Superconducting sensors, such as Transition-edge sensors (TESs) coupled with superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), are used in many applications, from quantum computing to astrophysics to particle physics. For rare-events search experiments, such as neutrinoless double beta decay, a multiplexed readout is necessary for low-temperature experiments which operate on a fixed thermal budget. Multiple sensors are readout through one signal cable, thereby reducing the number of wires connecting cryogenic sensors to the warm electronics and minimizing the heat load at the milli-Kelvin stage.
This project will develop data acquisition and data pipeline algorithms for the CUPID neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment. CUPID ( is an international project to be constructed in Italy. UC Berkeley group is leading the development of the high-resolution detectors based on TES sensors. We operate a low-temperature R&D lab in Campbell Hall where the detectors are developed and tested.
Role: The students will help develop the data acquisition and data readout algorithms in C++ and Python. Emphasis will be placed on optimization of read-time readout chain and the high-level data processing pipeline.
Qualifications: Physics, Astrophysics, Engineering Physics, or EECS majors preferred. A background in electronics and/or signal processing is desirable. Experience in Python or C++ programming experience is preferable and desired. We will also consider anyone with expertise with any other programming language. Understanding of FPGA is highly beneficial, but we do not expect an undergrad to know it. However, they are expected to learn a bit about it during the project. We also expect the student to spend some time in the lab as needed.
Day-to-day supervisor for this project: Bradford Welliver, Staff Researcher
Hours: 6-8 hrs
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Mathematical and Physical Sciences