Radiography and imaging of plasmas in fusion relevant conditions.
Eleanor Tubman, Professor
Nuclear Engineering
Applications for Spring 2025 are closed for this project.
Fusion is an ongoing effort worldwide to produce a ‘clean’ energy resource. There are several approaches to achieving net energy gain that are being utilised. Inertial confinement fusion (ICF) is a method of achieving fusion energy, typically using lasers to implode and heat the fuel. However, there are, and will be, further physics challenges that are ill-diagnosed and not yet understood. This project is investigating magnetic fields created within hohlraum-like conditions- imaging the fields using radiography.
Role: Work undertaken in this project will be helping to analyse experimental data and develop new imaging diagnostics. We can image the protons, electrons and x-rays onto different mediums, such as imaging plates, cameras or film, and use various analysis techniques to extract the electromagnetic fields and temperatures from the data. The analysis of experimental data will give us information on the plasmas created.
Qualifications: Prior experience in plasma or nuclear physics is desirable but not necessary, but applicants should demonstrate experimental and technical experience including in data analysis techniques.
Knowledge of python or MATLAB is required and an understanding of GEANT4 is helpful but not essential to this project.
Hours: 9-11 hrs
Mathematical and Physical Sciences Engineering, Design & Technologies