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Leif Nelson - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
Our lab group studies human judgment and decision making, and are currently investigating cultural differences and similarities between people in the United States and in China. In this position you will work with Professor Leif Nelson on a variety of projects within the Behavioral Lab (BLab) and for the MORS...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & PsychologyLeif Nelson - Professor, Business, Haas School
Status: Check back for status Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
This interdisciplinary project seeks to explore and investigate the intricate realms of judgment and decision-making, blending insights from social psychology, behavioral economics, and cognitive science. Our central focus is understanding how the framing of a situation or problem can significantly alter human behavior and choices. What You Will Explore...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & Psychology