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Laura Waller - Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Status: Check back for status Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
We are building new microscopes that use computation to do things that microscopes normally can't, like 3D imaging, gigapixel imaging or phase imaging. We need motivated people with at least two of these: 1) signal processing experience (EE120) for programming our image processing algorithms in Python, and/or machine learning...
Engineering, Design & TechnologiesPeter Washington - Professor, UC San Francisco
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: Off Campus
This project involves building diagnostic machine learning models merging electronic health record (EHR) data with longitudinal Fitbit wearable data. After simply training these supervised learning models, the project will then focus on exploring explainable AI + algorithmic fairness issues with the dataset, all using Python-based machine learning. This project involves...
Biological & Health Sciences Engineering, Design & TechnologiesRamon Weber - Professor , Architecture
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
The UN predicts a doubling of floor area until 2050, estimating a fantastic 230 billion square meters of buildings to be built in the next decades. Meanwhile, buildings should drastically lower their carbon emissions and energy use in order to avoid climate disasters. The project tackles this question with a...
Engineering, Design & Technologies Digital Humanities and Data ScienceRamon Weber - Professor , Architecture
Status: Check back for status
Engineering, Design & Technologies Digital Humanities and Data ScienceChristine Wildsoet - Professor, Optometry
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
Myopia or short-sightedness has become the focus of increasing concern as its prevalence steadily climbs. Figures of around 90% have been recorded for some Asian university student populations and a recent US-based study also reported a dramatic increase in the prevalence of myopia, especially among AfroAmericans. Myopia is...
Biological & Health Sciences Engineering, Design & TechnologiesChristine Wildsoet - Professor, Optometry
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
This research has a number of different aspects. One aspect involves collection of optical images of the back of the eye, using an advanced high resolution SD-OCT imagining machine. Initial work will involve images already collected. It will involves working with large amounts of data in excel, using smoothing...
Biological & Health Sciences Engineering, Design & TechnologiesChristine Wildsoet - Professor, Optometry
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
Myopia or short-sightedness has become the focus of increasing concern as its prevalence steadily climbs. Figures of around 90% have been recorded for some Asian university student populations and a recent US-based study also reported a dramatic increase in the prevalence of myopia, especially among AfroAmericans. Myopia is...
Biological & Health Sciences Engineering, Design & TechnologiesChristine Wildsoet - Professor, Optometry
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
There is increasing interest in the role of sunlight and light exposure in the development of myopia. In this project, we are using a wearable light sensor/activity monitor (Actiwatch), for human subjects. The sensor will record the intensity of light subjects are exposed to, and will allow us to...
Biological & Health Sciences Engineering, Design & TechnologiesMichelle Wilkerson - Professor, Education
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
My research so far has focused on how teacher education programs incorporate justice and critical consciousness into K-12 computer science curricula. By investigating both their theoretical foundations and the lived experiences of CS pre-service teachers (PSTs), I have found significant variance in how these programs prepare educators to...
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & Psychology Engineering, Design & TechnologiesMichelle Wilkerson - Professor, Education
Status: Check back for status Weekly Hours: 6-8 hrs Location: Off Campus
Social Sciences Education, Cognition & Psychology Engineering, Design & TechnologiesClancy Wilmott - Professor, Geography
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
This project builds partnerships between community groups and academic researchers at studio.geo-?, an experimental mapping studio hosted out of the Department of Geography + the Berkeley Centre for New Media. It connects people and organisations who need cartographic assistance, from simple technical advice, access to geographic data + other resources to community...
Engineering, Design & Technologies Digital Humanities and Data ScienceClancy Wilmott - Professor, Geography
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
In partnership with a wide range of Pacific-based organizations including Fåha’ Digital Media, Pacific Islanders in Communication, the Northern Marianas Humanities Council, and Blue Ocean Law, this wide-ranging research consists of two central projects: - Researching, compiling and mapping films about Pacific Islander stories, made by or in partnership...
Engineering, Design & Technologies Digital Humanities and Data ScienceClancy Wilmott - Professor, Geography
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: to be negotiated Location: On Campus
This project is in collaboration with the UC Berkeley Botanic Gardens. It focuses on the use of signage and interpretive materials within the Crops of the World garden (and the gardens more broadly), with specific focus on geographical, cartographical and decolonial frameworks. It would suit an undergraduate student with interests...
Engineering, Design & Technologies Digital Humanities and Data ScienceClancy Wilmott - Professor, Geography
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 3-5 hrs Location: On Campus
General Description The breaking apart of the American state is as old as the concept of the United States itself. This project seeks to document the scale of state secessionist movements through time using primary and secondary sources. The broader context of this project is a study of the co...
Engineering, Design & Technologies Digital Humanities and Data ScienceAvideh Zakhor - Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 12 or more hours Location: On Campus
In this project, we will design algorithms that use computer vision to navigate in GPS denied environments to reach a pre-specified target. Two problems will be considered: first, apply visual slam to reach a waypoint at a specific offset from the initial position; second, use place/object recognition to...
Engineering, Design & TechnologiesAvideh Zakhor - Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 12 or more hours Location: On Campus
In this project, we will use inverse kinematics type ideas to teach a hose mounted on a robot to vacuum the immediate area in front of the robot. We will also design autonomy algorithms and methods for joint movement of robot and hose in order to vacuum a large area...
Engineering, Design & TechnologiesAvideh Zakhor - Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 12 or more hours Location: On Campus
In this project, we will develop methods to enable a drone equipped with perception and depth sensors to follow a dynamic object such as a bird or another drone. All computation must be done on board the drone and real time. You will have a chance to implement your method...
Engineering, Design & TechnologiesAndreas Zoglauer - Staff Researcher, Space Sciences Laboratory
Status: Current Term Now Closed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
COSI, the Compton Spectrometer and Imager, is a NASA-funded gamma-ray telescope which is currently under development and scheduled for launch in 2027. It will observe Galactic nucleosynthesis and positron annihilation, as well as the most violent events in our Universe (supernovae, neutron star mergers) and the most extreme...
Engineering, Design & Technologies Mathematical and Physical Sciences Digital Humanities and Data ScienceAndreas Zoglauer - Staff Researcher, Space Sciences Laboratory
Status: Full- no new appr needed Weekly Hours: 9-11 hrs Location: On Campus
The General Antiparticle Spectrometer (GAPS) is a NASA high-altitude balloon mission designed to detect messengers of dark matter interactions in the galaxy. Apprentices are needed to participate in development and testing of both hardware and online software as GAPS prepares for a December 2024 launch from Antarctica. GAPS is...
Engineering, Design & Technologies Mathematical and Physical Sciences Digital Humanities and Data Science